Games, Drugs, and Rock & Roll: Artificial Intelligence in Everyday Life
In their Games, Drugs, and Rock &
Roll talk, Yale PhD students Adriana
Cherskov, Will...
This year, YSC's Science
in the News series will kick
off its eleventh season, at
libraries and educational
centers across Connec-
ticut and beyond. Join us
this spring...
In their Hidden Expansion talk, Yale PhD students
Sasha Safonova, Max Scalf, and Katie Kortright will
take audience members on a journey to explore the
nature of...
We are currently looking for Speakers
to present in the upcoming academic
year! Auditions will take place this
September, from 9/22 to 9/30.
Come prepared with a 5-minute...
Do microbes make the best flavorings? Is your poop
the key to curing diseases? Do we have free will, or
are we just controlled by the microbes that live inside
of us?...
In nature as in life, heroes exist in unexpected
places. In this talk, we describe three strange but
wonderful little heroes that exist all around us...
This spring, Science in the News completed its tenth annual
season. Talks spanned a range of fields, from astrophysics to
microbiology, as Yale PhD students and...