We encourage all interested venues, students, and members of the broader Yale community to reach out if they’re interested in helping us communicate science to the general public.
Please check out our contacts page if you have any questions or you’d like to join our cause. You can also join our Yale Connect group here. There are many ways to get involved and help out!
Become a Speaker:
Give a presentation. Are you a Yale graduate student or postdoctoral fellow? Then you’re eligible to present for Yale Science Communication. Multiple students or postdoctoral fellows collaborate on each presentation, and have a lot of freedom in what topics they discuss. Auditions for Science in the News and Science @ Brewery take place each September. Click here to see audition instructions and sign up for an audition.
Become a Coordinator:
Manage a presentation group. Are you a Yale graduate student or postdoctoral fellow with a taste for narrative consistency? Then you can apply to become a Coordinator. Each Science in the News talk has a Coordinator who oversees the talk Speakers. Coordinators work closely with the Speakers and the Directors to make presentations accessible and jargon-free. Please fill out this form if you’re interested in becoming a Coordinator.
Become a Producer:
Create a new talk series. We currently have two talk series: Science in the News and Science @ Brewery. If you have another type of presentation series you would be interested in running, contact our Head Director at renuka.ramanathan@yale.edu.
Become a Contributor:
Write for us. In the near future, we may expand our website to include written science content. In particular, we’re hoping to get articles that distill complex scientific topics in original, accessible ways. If you’re interested in writing a piece for our website, feel free to send us an email at renuka.ramanathan@yale.edu.
Become a Partner:
Host one of our presentations. In the past, we’ve spoken at libraries, senior centers, and elementary school programs, but we always welcome new venues and audiences. We offer free, year-round virtual and in-person programming . If you’re interesting in hosting us, please send us an email at renuka.ramanathan@yale.edu.